Our sustainability governance structure

At Huhtamaki, sustainability is ultimately governed by the Board of Directors and at the operational level, by the CEO, the Global Executive Team, the Sustainability Global function and other senior staff across the different business units. The Board is the highest body to approve the guiding policies for sustainability and outline sustainability principles regarding our strategy.

We have a Sustainability Steering Committee at Group level, which steers transformative sustainability initiatives. The committee consists of the President & CEO, the Business Segment Presidents, EVP Corporate Affairs and Legal, Group General Counsel,  EVP Digital and Process Performance and is chaired by the EVP Sustainability and Communications.


Our sustainability performance is tracked regularly in our operations: at the manufacturing unit, business segment and Group-levels. The results are collected and monitored at Group-level in the sustainability dashboard which is discussed in the Global Executive Team and presented quarterly to the Board of Directors.

Additionally, Huhtamaki uses the Global Sustainability and Safety Index (GSSI) to connect employee remuneration to our sustainability and safety targets for 2030. The GSSI links key performance indicators, such as renewable and recycled materials, renewable electricity, and non-hazardous waste recycled, to the short-term incentive program. This incentivizes our teams to achieve our goals. In 2023, we expanded the GSSI to include water and solvent use, a strengthened focus on health and safety and extended it to all employees in the short-term incentive program. Find our performance on the KPIs here.