
Huhtamaki AdtoneTM is our smartest cup yet. We made the cup interactive with a heat sensitive label and a Quick Response (QR) code that links it to digital content. The new Adtone cup gives consumers something they actually want, through something they use every day, delivering your message in a unique and memorable way.
Great advertising tool
Huhtamaki Adtone cup is highly effective advertising media. Consumers interact with a coffee cup for several minutes at a time and pay attention to what is printed on it. There are only a few other communication channels that come even close. High click-through rates (CTR) have been achieved ranging from 14 % to over 30 % in actual campaigns with the Huhtamaki AdtoneTM cup.

Go digital
There is more and more digital content available. Content providers like media companies are looking for new business models and ways to tap into customers. Packaging is a great channel to attract customers and creates co-promotion opportunities for restaurants. Combining physical product with digital services is the new way forward with the Huhtamaki Adtone cup.

Build customer loyalty
The Huhtamaki Adtone is a great tool for creating customer loyalty whether through loyalty reward programs or by enhancing the value of the beverage offering by bundling it with valuable digital content like games, magazines, music, movies etc. With real-time data analytics, restaurants can get valuable insight into campaign effectiveness and target future promotional activities to the right audience.

How does Adtone work?
The Huhtamaki Adtone cup comes with a temperature sensitive unique QR code, which makes it perfect for prize lottery campaigns. Thermosensitive label keeps the unique code hidden before the cup is filled with a hot beverage. The unique code acts as a lottery identification and can be used only once providing the added security for the campaign.

Digitalisation creates new opportunities
The Adtone cup is a great advertising tool to deliver your message while enhancing the customer experience with fun and relevant content.

High response rate
When people buy a drink, they hold onto it for several minutes at a time and pay attention to it. High click-through rates are achievable with smart campaign design.

Easy to target
Content can be tailored to different locations, times, and customers, enabling content that is relevant and interesting to your customers.

Real-time insight
People see numerous ads every day. It is easy for consumers to ignore them and hard for brands to know when they are effective. With the Adtone cup you get real-time data on campaign success.

Your campaign can be as local or global as you want. It is easy to scale up from smaller volume campaigns to millions of cups with the Adtone cup.