Family Care with sustainable flair

Discover the best in convenience and
sustainability with our flexible packaging for Family Care products. By incorporating high quality recycled materials, retrieved mechanically or chemically, we are focusing on the circularity of our products, plus the integrity of yours. Perfect for contact sensitive items like diapers, femcare or wipes. Choose Huhtamaki for a cleaner way to care for your customers’ families and the world they grow up in.

Adult Care remove_circle_outline

Flexible packaging for adult care products makes caring for adults easier by meeting the unique needs of seniors and caregivers. Essentials like incontinence pads and pants or wet wipes are kept hygienic and discreet in our
wicketed bags and flowwraps. Additionally, with easy-to-use openings and handles, this packaging provides comfort and convenience with our blueloop PE or blueloop™ Paper material options.

Baby Care remove_circle_outline

Cradling convenience and
sustainability, Huhtamaki flexible packaging for baby care products like diapers or wet wipes is perfect for parents concerned about the world their babies will grow up in. Sustainable wicketed bags are designed for recycling, using our mono blueloop PE or blueloop Paper. By incorporating PCR content we further promote the development of a circular economy. With easy-to-use, convenient options, it's a baby step toward a brighter future for the little ones.

Feminine Care remove_circle_outline

embrace convenience and discretion with flexible packaging for feminine care products. Designed to meet the needs of modern women, our wicketed bags keep essentials like pads and tampons hygienic and easy to access; offering peace of mind wherever you go. With recyclable materials such as our blueloop PE or blueloop Paper, we have a great solution that provides both comfort and quality.