
Huhtamaki använder en rad olika formnings- och tillverkningstekniker för att producera innovativa och högkvalitativa förpackningsprodukter i olika material.
Vi tillverkar en mängd olika typer av pappersbägare för varma och kalla drycker, glass- och matbehållare, pressade papperstallrikar och tråg av kartong. Råmaterialet är av högsta kvalitet för att uppfylla de stränga kraven från livsmedelskunderna. Merparten av vår kartong tillverkas av ny träfiber som kommer från hållbart förvaltade skogar och antingen är FSC®-certifierat (Forest Stewardship Council) eller PEFC-certifierat (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification).
Vi har också moderna flexo- och offsettrycklinjer för att skapa mönster och tryck på förpackningarna, och produkterna kan även förses med varumärkesnamn, logotyper eller marknadsföringsbudskap.
Molded fiber
Smooth molded fiber technology is used to manufacture Chinet® plates and bowls for foodservice operators and retail sales from recycled pre-consumer fiber. These products and others such as Strongholder cup carriers are made from 100% recovered paper that is dissolved in water to form fine fibers, which are then pressed and dried to the requested form. After the packaging has dried it is once again pressed and can be printed. We also have bagasse fiber products which are made using residual side material from sugarcane production. The end product offers strong and rigid, yet light-weight products.
Folding carton packaging
We also manufacture using traditional folding carton packaging technology as well as special corrugated F Flute technology. Huhtamaki BCP Ltd is a corrugated packaging specialist based in Blackburn, Lancashire. The point of difference is in the functionality and presentational qualities – using fluting as insulation against heat, and for safety and rigidity. Solutions include products such as insulated paper cup wraps, susceptor and greaseproof food packaging and various Food-to-Go solutions for sandwiches, salads and bakery products.

Custom printing
In addition to our quality products, we offer design and repro services to ensure your brands are displayed in the best possible manner. Many of our products are delivered with bespoke print designs on them.
Personalised printed cups are a great way for coffee shops and brands to stand out and get their message across to people. You can now order personalised printed cups online from Cup Print, a Huhtamaki group company at www.cupprint.com. Customers can order cups in quantities from as little as 1000 cups and have them delivered within 15 working days in Europe. Select from a library of existing cup designs, upload your own artwork or get our experienced designers to support you with the design of your personalised printed cups.